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SageTea's Warm Response from the Medical Community


Contact: Alexandra Waring, Marketing and Customer Experience,

SageTea's Warm Reception from the Medical Community

(Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) On June 30th, a busy ophthalmology clinic in Winnipeg opened its doors for our first big presentation of SageTea's new EMR application to the medical community.

Alex Long, SageTea's VP Innovation, was the presenter for the evening's event. Alex has been promoting SageTea in Winnipeg for the past two years.

The event was held at Rosco Medical Group, Western Canada's largest ophthalmology clinic. Rosco was one of our initial clients and the "Vision EMR" ophthalmology application that we developed for them has become one of our key medical applications.

The event was attended by physicians from many medical fields like podiatry, internal medicine, general practice and ophthalmology and came looking for a real solution to their EMR problems.

Alex showed them how "SageTea EMR", our basic application, has not only all the features that they would expect like scheduling, data entry and record management but also innovative time-saving features like editable autofill for standard SOAP notes. He then went on to show drop down features, also editable, and other customizations based on what physicians have asked for. Alex then went into "Text to Software", our proprietary software creation tool, and made further changes right in front of their eyes.

Existing EMR software is cumbersome and customization is relegated to a selection of features or very expensive changes that take a long time to make. Alex showed that by using "Text to Software", SageTea can make changes quickly and easily which completely redefines the definition of "customization". He showed how SageTea can tailor each application to a client's own workflow and existing forms resulting in applications unique to each clinical environment.

Our billing partner, John Allegro at MDMos, spoke as well to the group about how quickly SageTea was able to integrate with his software to provide provincial healthcare billing to our customers in Manitoba. Another physician client brought a colleague because he is so excited about the application we built for his practice. The partner now wants to talk to us about building an application for his clinic too.

Alex will be meeting with many more physicians over the next few weeks who told him they liked what they saw that evening. Physicians are telling other physicians in their community that "SageTea EMR" really works. More presentations have been scheduled for July 20th and August 17th in Winnipeg and if you want to get on the list or schedule a personal consultation, even if you're outside of Manitoba, just contact Alex Long at

Контактное лицо: David Long (написать письмо автору)
Компания: SageTea (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 15:20, 29.07.2015
Количество просмотров: 17

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